Friday, May 13, 2011

Streets of Malaysia (part 2)

The hidden scars of Malaysia

So all of you should know what Chow Kit is famous for right? Yes, prostitutions. And not to forget the sex-workers, which are trans-gender/transvestites. You could a whole lot of them at the side of roads waiting for their next customers so that they could "pleased" them. It might be disturbing to some of you guys but to me this something that the government and the society should STOP!

This sex workers or prostitute are humans too. I'm still wondering why they can't have a "real" job, instead of doing this stupid thing. Not only them, but beggars and homeless people are sleeping on the sidewalks and scrapping for food from the dumpster. Okay to me, Chow Kit has never been a safe place for me to go or hang around. To think of it, it's really scary. With the "acid splasher" going around in KL, i'm just too afraid to even step out of my house. 

Talking about the acid splasher, it pisses me off why this idiotic 'scumbag' (sorry for cursing) is doing this thing without any logical motives. Seriously, I don't know what's up in his head but just thinking about this case makes wanna throw a pot of boiling acid to his whole idiotic face! I can't imagine how the innocents would feel being the victim of this scary case. I hope the police would catch this guy soon!

Continuing, I remembered a story my friend told me few days ago about a fight between some "samseng" groups and a few polices that happened outside of primary school. I was shocked to know that this thing actually happened near a SCHOOL! It was said that, this group of "samseng" people were fighting about something with the police and I think the situation got really over control that one of the police shot two of the "samseng". The police men managed to get hold of some the "samseng" but a few managed to ran away. It was said again that there was blood on the roads outside of my old school. 

To summon up everything, I can say that this days Malaysia is not safe place now until all the mad men are captured and locked up. Yes Malaysia IS a beautiful and exotic country with various races, cultures and traditions. I'm not saying that tourists shouldn't come and visit us but this is just for temporary precaution. The acid splasher did attack a few foreigners. So, always be alert with your surroundings. People shouldn't take things so easily. You will never know that your "luck" is there.

So again, take care :D

Streets of Malaysia (part 1)

Olla Amigos'

Today’s topic is about the streets of Malaysia. When you say, the streets of Malaysia, what would be the first thing that would pop into your mind? Well, for me it’s none other than Petaling Street, located in China Town. That’s the BEST place for you to shop for cheap and awesome accessories and also branded HANDBAGS! Obviously fake ones, HEHE! So, If you're looking for cheap clothes, fabrics, souvenirs, electronic items, watches, DVDs, CDs and more? Then Petaling Street is the place for you. The stalls would be set up in a one, straight row and stall owners would place and hang the handbags on the grills. Something like a flee or night market.

I remembered the last time I went there, there's was a lot of stuff you could be buy at an average price. It's not to cheap, not too expensive. It's affordable. For buyers, it is often possible to bargain the price tag of an item such as watches, clothing and all the other items. Petaling Street does not exclusively offer pirated products. You could see thousands of foreign faces everywhere buying stuff as their souvenirs back home.  You can get practically anything from food to bags and sunglasses to handicrafts  all along Petaling Street. I found an article on the net saying that the prices there are generally quoted 15 to 35% higher than what they are truly worth even higher sometimes for tourists. So remember, before you head down to Petaling Street, make sure your bargaining skills are well honed.

Petaling streets offer you variety of foods also. The area has dozens of restaurants and food stalls, serving local favourites such as Hokkien mee, ikan bakar (barbecued fish), asam laksa and curry noodles. Chinese and seafood restaurants can be found at every corner, and stalls selling all kinds of snacks that are stretched along the street. So when as you’re walking you could smell the interesting mixture of aroma filling the air that is quite hard for you to resist. By the way, the traders here are mainly Chinese but there are also Indian, Malay, and Bangladeshi traders.

If you guys wanna know how Petaling Street is at night, it looks really pretty with all the lightings and structures of the buildings The best thing about them is that most of them are open until very late at night, with some even staying open until four to five in the morning. Be warned though that it can get rather crowded sometimes. You should be prepared to sweat it out. The only thing that you need to remember is to bring enough water because you know bargaining can be quite tiring!

The crowd and the noise are really part of the fun of visiting Petaling Street. Without these, it just wouldn’t be right. Other than that, in Petaling Street, there are also, budget hotels for tourist to rent in for the night. About getting to Petaling Street is not really a big deal. Tourist can take buses that heads to ‘Kotaraya’. There are also plenty of train stations nearby. You can either take the LRT, KTM Komuter or Monorail. All of this is just within walking distance.


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Short Stories (part 2)

Heaven's Gate

It was too much for her… too much pain… it was too painful that dying was probably the best way to end it all. That is what’s on Tasha’s mind right now. It seems like she couldn’t throw the image of that ‘thing’ away. She left ‘it’. She doesn’t hate ‘it’, but she’s not sure if she loves it either. With one last look... she took a deeper breath…
Tasha wasn’t raised like all the other normal children. She never had a mother. Her mother died during labour. Her dad was responsible in taking care of her. But the word ‘dad’ does not measure up to what a father should be. When other dad’s are feeding the young ones with love, her dad fed her with sex. By the age of six, her beastly dad started raping her. She would be sexually abused about everyday… and she couldn’t do anything about it. The screaming and the crying are plain entertainment to the ‘beast’.  He enjoyed it so much that he couldn’t stop doing it. She was beyond hurt and framed. Tasha was fourteen that when she received the news about her dying of drug overdose. Then, her relatives sent her to an orphanage, as nobody’s willing to take care of her.
By the time she was eighteen she was free. Free from the prison that drove her insane. She was free from all the fake faces in the orphanage. When she was out, she met a guy. He offered her shelter, safety and great job. The truth was she did find the guy attractive and could not help herself from having the guy attractive and could not help herself from having a little crush on him. She thought to herself, “the heaven’s gate has finally opened…” but once again, the gate was shut right before her eyes as she realized it was all a scam. Tasha was forced into prostitution. Whether she liked it or not, she had to make a living. After all, she was used to this kind of abuse. Used to monstrous horrendous men. Sex was just like taking a sip to water to her.
Nine month past, her stomach grow as huge as a hot air balloon. After two years of prostitution, never had it crossed her mind that she would get ‘knocked up’. She was not sure who is the father of the baby. She was kicked out of her so-called ‘home’. Nobody wants a pregger prostitute. She thought of getting an abortion but that would cost her entire savings. Despite working as a prostitute, she didn’t make much. People would categorize her in ‘Class B Prostitute’. Her world was crumbling down and she just didn’t know what to do.
“Aaghh!” Tasha screamed in pain.  It was time. She knew ‘it’ was coming out now. Here she is, all alone on the streets of Kuala Lumpur, struggling to give birth to ‘it’ behind an alley. When that ‘thing’ was finally out, she held ‘it’ and looked deep into ‘it’, wondering what would be her next step. Then, she decided.
She walked cautiously, holding back the pain as she walked towards a junkyard. She wrapped that ‘thing’ with a piece of dirty cloth. She gave it one last look then dumped it’ away. She knew she was hopeless, homeless, worthless, and useless and she can’t do anything to fix up her shattered life. Then, final decision was made.  That pondering thought that has always haunted her mind . . .Death. Tasha went back to the flat where she grew up, the place where all this madness started. She went up to the rooftop, passing the way to her old house, and then it happened... much too quickly... “TUMPTH!!”
11 MARCH 2010 – Malaysia was stunned by the news of a women found dead in front of Cempaka Apartment. They were also shocked by the discovery of a newborn baby in a junkyard just 400 meters away from the apartment.


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Short Stories (part 1)

Here's a short story that I wrote a few years back. I thought I just want to share with you guys. The story is basically something like the 'Twilight' novel but my version :)

The Wedding Planner

  If I tell you a secret, do you think you can keep it? If I were to tell you that a world of magic and legends secretly exist around us, would you believe me? Well, here's my unbelievable story.
  My name is Marie Ann Stewart. I work as a wedding planner. I own a small office on Main Street, Fifth Avenue. I have had customers of all types walking through my door. Old, rich men with sexy young girlfriends, celebrity couples like Tom Ride and Katie House. I thought that I've seen them all but that was before I met Edward and Rosalie.
  Edward Mullet and Rosalie Pout. My first thought when I saw Rosalie, I thought that she was a gold digger. The dumb blonde appearance doesn't help. Then there's Edward Mullet. Young, handsome and filthy rich. He's handsome enough to be an underwear supermodel. What more could a girl ask for.
  Rosalie wanted a grand wedding. A garden wedding with an ice sculpture, chocolate fountain and a long wedding aisle decorated with 1,000,000 bouquets of white lilies and rose petals along it with a grand altar. Edward on the other hand, wanted a small, private wedding at his private mansion. I wonder how they can even think of getting married. They're totally polar opposite. But of course, Rosalie got her way. 
  Then I started spending time with her. From all the time I spend with, I could tell she was not a nice person. She complains and whine a lot most of the time. Now I really wonder how a man like Edward could even fall in love with such a woman.
  One day, Rosalie had to go on a business trip. She left Edward in charge of the wedding. I started seeing a lot of him. Every time he's around, my hear speeds faster then it normally does. I'll admit it that there's a little, tiny part of me that says I'm in love with him. Or maybe that was just hormones.
  It was the big day. As the wedding planner, I myself was as nervous as the bride. I wanted everything to go smoothly as planned. As Rosalie was walking down the aisle, with Edward waiting at the altar, there's a part of me that wanted to stop the wedding but I couldn't do it. Rosalie finally reached the altar and put her arm through Edward's. Then the priest started reading the vows.
   "Do you, Rosalie Pout, take Edward Mullet as your lawfully wedded husband and love him till death do you part?" Almost instantaneously, Rosalie answered "I do."
   "Do you, Edward Mullet, take, Rosalie Pout as your lawfully wedded wife and love her till death do you part?
    "Please say I don't!I thought.
    "I don't." Edward said firmly.

 Everyone gasped and look at each other's faces. I was startled. The look on Rosalie's face was unreadable. Calmly, she asked, "Why?" And his answer was something unexpected.
   "I'm in love with her." He pointed at me and continued. "The wedding planner.
Everyone at the seats stared at him in disbelief and turned their heads directly towards me. My mind went blank. I can't believe what just happened. I was just staring at the torn couple with my mouth wide open. Rosalie shot me a fierce look.
   "You KNOW you can't", Rosalie shouted.
   "We're vampires."
The last thing I remembered seeing was Edward's guilty face looking at me. Then everything went black. 
  Suddenly I heard my secretary, Ashley knocking on my office door. I must have fallen asleep while working on another project.
   "You've got a new customer!" Ashley said cheerfully.
Behind her, I saw a blonde girl with an underwear looking supermodel walking hand in hand.
   "Hi, I'm Rosalie and this is Edward",  the blonde girl said.
Nervously, I looked at him in the face. I swear I saw him flash his fangs at me.