Saturday, April 30, 2011

Animal Rights (part 2)

Bonjour everyone :)

In my previous post about animal rights, I mention how animals are abuse brutality by inconsiderate people right? So today's topic is on HOW and WHY we should speak up for this living creatures.

As all of you know (obviously), animals can't speak up and even express their own feelings, so we as the human that has been given minds and brains to think, we SHOULD help them! All you need is the courage to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.

So here are some things 'average' people like us can do for this animals,
  1. Take care of the animals you have, and encourage them to do the same too. By this, as you get more involve in take care of your pets, it will help you to educate your ownself. Then, you can begin educating other pet owner.
  2. Make a donation to any pet organization that helps animal rights. Your donation is needed in helping and fight animal cruelty.
  3. You can be creative with certain things, like for example helping with the local abuse prevention education programs for schools in your place or area. Other than that is to approach few stores nearby your are and ask them if they will sell some of your baked goods in their store, to benefit the local shelter.

And here is why many supporters of animal rights believe that animal abuse should STOP,
  1. Animals have an inherent worth. They a value completely separate from their usefulness to humans.
  2. Every creature with a will to live has a right to live free from pain and suffering.
  3. All animals have the ability to suffer in the same way and to the same degree that humans do.
  4. Animal rights is not just a philosophy, it's a social movement that challenges society’s traditional view that all nonhuman animals exist solely for human use.

There is many organization that supports animal right, like for instance, the most common and known organization is PETA (People for the Ethical Treament of Animals).
PETA quote that they believe, "animals have rights and deserve to have their best interests taken into consideration, regardless of whether they are useful to humans. Like you, they are capable of suffering and have an interest in leading their own lives". They continued, "PETA focuses its attention on the four areas in which the largest numbers of animals suffer the most intensely for the longest periods of time: on factory farms, in laboratories, in the clothing trade, and in the entertainment industry", " PETA's aim is to stop animal suffering, and we use every available opportunity to reach people with our messages"

They are some other organization that supports this "petition". Here are some of the examples I found in Wikipedia,
  • Animal Aid (UK)
  • Animal Defense League (ADL)
  • Animal Equality
  • Justice Department (Animal Rights)
  • People for Animal Liberation (PAL)
  • Uncaged Campaign

By the way, here's a picture I found on the net,

Animal rights activists covered in fake blood protest during a demonstration in Spain.

Oh and before I end this topic, there's also celebrities that joined the petition against animal cruelty. Such as,

Alicia Silverstone

Eva Mendez

Khloe Kardashian

Linkin Park's lead singer, Chester Bennington

Justin Bieber

Glee's Lea Michele

You can read more on this animal rights below. I will list where I've gotten my sources.
I hope this information that I've shared with you, my readers, helps you understand and support more on this serious matter. I know my post is a little formal but it is a serious topic we're talking here. I hope you guys understand.

Anyway, thanks for reading everyone!

Sources: (,,,,,, [pictures],,,,,,

Animal Rights (part 1)

Hello everyone :D

First and foremost, I would like you to excuse me if my post on this topic is a tiny bit, formal. Hope you enjoy!

So you could say almost everyone in the world grows up eating meat and fish right? Some of us even wear  leather, wool and silk made from animal skin too right? Have it ever occur to you how it would effect this animals? How big of an impact it will be towards this innocent animals?

I do admit, I do eat meat and fish but I don't abuse animals! I don't torture them like nobody's business! I don't kill those animals for no reason just so I could satisfy myself? I myself, is very angry and pissed at how this idiotic and cruel-hearted people could do such things! Seriously, how could they be so inhuman? And I've got prove to show how cruel and brutal they could be in this video i found in Youtube. Before I show the video, I just want to share with you readers that I used to own a hamster few years back, I actually cried so badly when they died. I just can't accept the fact to why they have to die so fast! And it's not because I took bad care of them but you know how hamster will die after 2 years right? That is just sad case!


See! HOW BRUTAL THAT WOMEN IS! She's sick! Seriously! What is wrong with her head? I feel like giving her a really big tight slap to her idiotic face! She should be sue! She should be punish! She should be in jail for killing that cute and innocent bunny! I just don't understand how people could  deliberately abuse or injure another living creature. Aren't they God's creation too? Just because they can't talk and express their feeling, it doesn't give us or those inhuman people right to "punish" them that way. They have feelings too my fellow humans! This is not just towards dogs and cats but also dedicated to ALL animals living! 

I know some of us are also going through some starvation, suffering, anguish, fear, pain, slow agonizing death, constant torment in certain parts of the world, but there are thousands of dogs and cats whose lives will never offer anything but those conditions. Aren't we civilized people? We're not living in the oldies and we don't think like the olden days! We should be more open to this kind of perspective! Animals surely deserve to  live their lives free from suffering and exploitation. 

Before I end this blog, I would like to share some post I found from a person's blog.

She quote, "Are we destined to be judged as an unworthy species? Incapable - or unwilling - to accept the responsibilities that come with the power we have achieved? What has become of our Compassion, Kindness, Humility, Gratitude, Patience?"

Compassion for all God’s creatures, for hasn’t He entrusted their care and well-being to us?

Kindness to every living animal, for they are entitled to such simply by their existence. 

Humility to remember that we are not “better” or “more important” than other animals, just different. 
Gratitude for all that we have, for all that this world offers… for being the rulers, rather than the ruled. 

Patience with all living creatures whose only crime is that they may be different from ourselves.

Till then,
Yours truly,

Sunday, April 24, 2011

A trip to remember (part2)

Hey everyone :D

So I'm here again to talk about my second best trip to Universal Studio, Singapore. First of all, I've ALWAYS wanted to go there since like, FOREVER! I thank my mom for finally bringing me there.


So I went there last year with my mom and sister. Actually this trip was just because of my sister. She was going for Zouk Out with her friends. My mom thought why not we join in too (not the clubbing part obviously) 

There's a lot of things to see and do there, seriously. It was so much fun. First there's the Shrek 4-D Adventure in Far Far Away. Oh My God, I swear that is the coolest "movie" show I've been to since I've never watch a 4-D show. The line to enter was pretty long but it wasn't something that you've got to wait. The interior was somehow like a dungeon in the movie, Shrek. You can say it's a spectacular show. Then we rode on to the Enchanted Airways. We forced our mom to join us and after the ride she got traumatized. So she said she'll never ride a roller coaster again. After the ride and all, I got thirsty and we head to Fairy Godmother's Potion shop where they sell "potion" drinks of many different colors and flavors. And yes, I got myself one in a potion bottle. HAHA!

That's me wearing the 4-D glasses in the "Dungeon"

Shrek's house

If you notice, ginger bread man is in the counter

Next, there was the Lost World which includes Jurassic Park and Water World. In Jurassic Park, me and my site rode on the Canopy Flyer. It's actually a suspended 4-seater, mini roller coaster that glides over the tree-tops. On it, you could see the whole view of the environment there. I actually wanted to go on the Jurassic Park Rapids Adventure which is like a river rapid raft where the raft is on the water and it goes around the Jurassic Park compound, then it'll go up to this "Hydroelectric Generator" compound. It's kind of similar to the one's in Sunway Lagoon.

Me and my mom enjoying our Taco's and my "poison" drink

Other than that, there's also the Water World where by live actors and actress will do some not-so dangerous stunts at this performance. I give them a thumb-ups for doing a great job! Laugh. Before the show starts, there will be some guys spraying water to random people from the seats. So basically, you will get soak in the show, so remember to bring extra clothes just in case. But that's just in the wet zone. So if you don't want to get wet you could just sit at back which is more "safe".

The setting of the show

That pirate guy was saying "Alamak" 

The guy who sprayed water at me 

Continuing. The next place I went was the Ancient Egypt. There were A LOT of ancient statues of the the Pharaohs and etc. It was mind-blowing. The area is also like a replica of the film, The Mummy. There, me and my sister went on to the indoor high speed, steel roller coaster called Revenge of The Mummy. The ride was super awesome because it's actually like a journey with sharp turns and fast reverse sections for the riders to adventure into the "pyramid" and solve the mystery in the darkness. So yeah, all of us on the ride can't see a thing! It was really scary how fireballs, beetles and some robotic mummies attack you out of nowhere. It's a fun ride, something I could remember till today. Oh and funny story, when you enter the "pyramid", there will be some guys who is maybe the Pharaoh's "bodyguard" or something, standing straightly to "guard" the place. I actually touched one of the "guards" body to check if they're real. Then suddenly he moved and started to chase me. THAT I will remember my entire life.

Me at Ancient Egypt

Me at the front entrance of  Revenge of The Mummy

Then there's the Madagascar zone. Again, the area is also a replica of the famous and known film, Madagascar. Madagascar's zone offers you a lot of rides and retail outlets for you to buy as your souvenirs and all. When I went there during that time, the rides wasn't officially open yet so I actually skipped there but I did managed to take a picture with the Madagascar's gang (just a statues)

Me, my mom and sister

Yeah, actually there's more places and things you can do there but those above are my favorite (and the only ones I remembered) places I love to go. Just to conclude my trip there, It was totally a trip what I would definitely want to visit again. First, it's the best place for you and your family to hang out with. And second, it's NOT A WASTE OF YOUR MONEY!
So I end this post with some pictures I took there. 

Till then my fellow reader, love you people!

Me with "Marilyn Monroe"

My sister, me and my mom with "Charlie Chaplin"

Saturday, April 23, 2011

A Trip to Remember (part 1)

Hello my fellow readers :)

Today's topic is best place(s) to go. So after a "long" thinking, I decided to talk about...


Me and my family went there 5 years ago and I'm still longing to go there again because it was just too awesome! Seriously, the beach there is like way, way nicer and cleaner than Port Dickson's beach. This beach is located near the Santubong Mountain as you can see in the picture above. There, we stayed a resort called, Holiday Inn Resort for 3 days and 2 nights. Frankly, staying at the resort for 2 nights was not enough for me and my sister. The place was just too good to leave. During my stay there, the receptionist told me that the resort is claim to be the largest lagoon-shaped pool in Sarawak. Me and my sister was like, "Wow!" Not bad for an attraction.

I remembered the first time I stepped onto the resort. It was super huge! You can almost feel like you're in paradise. The beach was calm and relaxing. It's definitely a must place for tourists to come and stay in this marvelous resort.

The view of the resort from the beach

The resort offers you many activities that you could do with your friends or family. One my favorites were body surfing and the miniature golf. You can also ride the banana boat there. I wanted to but i was too scared that I would fall in the middle of the beach. 

The first activity I did there was body surfing. It's kind of like surfing but instead of you standing, you lay your chest on the board to surf. To me, it wasn't that easy. You need a lot of energy and strength to keep yourself from falling. It was dreadful yet exciting!

Me and my sis waiting for the wave to come :D

Then there was miniature golf. Since I know nothing about golf and my dad knows everything about golf, laugh, he taught me and my sister how play. There were many types of holes you could try. It's good actually. You wouldn't feel bored hitting to one hole only. So after a few sets of the game, yours truly (me) won! Surprisingly,  I was pretty good. I found my new hidden talent!

That's me playing golf under a hot sun wearing sweater =.=

The next day, we vent our journey to the beach! I love going to the beach, I would go crazy when I'm at the beach! Like for instance this,

Me doing cart-wheel 

Me having a really good time :)

You've got to admit that the beach is the only place you could be crazy and just have fun. Oh, how I wish my house is just by the beach. I would definitely sleep peacefully everyday with the whooshing sound and cold air from the outside. Now that's Heaven to me! 

Me relaxing on a rock, meditating :P

Continuing, after a fun swim in the beach, me and my sis planned to bury ourselves in the sand. It was so funny. I remembered my dad and sister throwing all the sands onto my body and especially my face. That was so mean! I couldn't even breathe properly.

Me putting sands on my sister

A sand "sculpture" of me

So to conclude everything, it was the best stay of my life! Period. Seriously people, you need to see it, to believe it. 

til then,
Jaszmin :)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

College Life (part 2)

dear readers,

First of all, how are you guys doing? 
Hope you guys had a really good week. Well for me, I had a good one. Anyway, I’m just going to start with the second part of my college life. So I was half and hour late for my first “college” class, all thanks to the KTM train. Seriously, the train never reach on time when they're supposed to. 

Well for my first class, I had Introduction to Information Technology (IT), College Study Skills (CSS) and Mass Communication (MC) class. The lecturers were really awesome. I like them a lot. I like them better than my school teachers, obviously. 

Then the next day I had Fundamental in Management (FM) class. Ms. Rosaline was a little strict but she is a fun lecturer actually. I just love her "sarcastic" jokes. I've never had my Creative Comm and Portfolio Development (CCP) class with Dr. Benedict yet, so you can say I'm actually anticipating his class. 

Through all the classes, I did made some friends. It's still awkward between us but I'm sure we'll be fine after few weeks more. One of the few friends I made was Nadiah. She was the first that I was "close" to. Then, Nadiah introduced me to Amy and Jay. Coincidentally, all three of them are from Klang. So I was the only one from Selayang. From that day onwards, I've been hanging out with them, from going to classes and having lunch together. 

I did made friends among my classmates but it was just a friendly "hello" and "goodbye". Nothing much. To be honest, I didn't know making friends was that difficult. It's like, I have start all over again. To me it is sickening but I have to because I have to survive in college. But after a few days goes by, everything went well. I now have friends to hang and talk to. It was a fun experience. 

The day college starts was the day I say to myself that I have to change my habits and the way I live a little. I have to be more responsible and mature than when I was in school. I sometimes have to give up watching my favorite TV series and all. Even after few weeks in college, I still can't balance between my old life and college life. Since I love to join dance competition or events, I have to give them up so that I could concentrate on my studies. I'm not saying that entering college life is bad. What I mean was that we have give up things we like to achieve and have a good future ahead. So, no worries there.

To sum up everything, I can say there is a difference between college and school life. Like for instance, in school, we concentrate and are instructed with every subjects by using a text book; while in college, we only focus in a certain subject that we major in. Besides, college life actually did trained me to be more independent. I'm really looking forward to my life in college. I hope and pray that it'll be a fun and exciting journey for me. 

Till then,
thanks for reading people! 

Saturday, April 16, 2011

College Life (part 1)

Hello Readers :)

Finally! The day I had look forward to since my school days. I can say now that I'm a college student. Yeah! I'm a happy girl. Laugh. It was the first day of college, it was a day full of new experiences. I woke up early that day. Like every girl, we always plan what to wear to college right? So I planned mine like 1 week before college starts. Yeah I know, typical. 

Since my older sister is also studying in Taylor's, it wasn't my first time stepping on to the campus. The buildings and people there weren't a big surprise to me. But somehow, on that particular day, I had a mixed feeling of nervousness and excitement. It was a whole new place to me. It's like I have to start my life all over again. But I was thankful that my sister was there to guide. Thank god! I admit the students there look rather snobbish but it was just my mind playing tricks on me. I thought to myself, "I'm sure they're nice."

It was a full day ahead for me. There wasn't that much activity to do except for orientation and campus tour. They had the orientation in the MPH building. As I walked in, I saw thousands of students queuing up to register themselves. I think the Mass Communication course has the longest queue. So after i registered myself, I took my place somewhere near to the stage since my vision isn't that good. There was many new and unfamiliar faces in the hall so, I'm still having a hard time talking to "strangers". It reminded me of how it was when I first started primary school. 

The orientation was held just to let the students know what’s around the campus and etc. Nothing much actually. I had to admit, again that it was pretty boring. I almost fell asleep actually. Giggle. Then around 11a.m. the orientation wraps up. I didn't knew and make friends with anyone yet that day. It's not that i don't want to make friends, it's just that I'm really a shy person and it's difficult for me to approach to a "stranger" and just talk to them. I know weird right? But that's just me. And well since i was really hungry, I just had to filled my stomach with food. Like badly! My stomach was already making noises. I think there's a lion living in my tummy, it keeps "roaring". So I called up my sister and asked if she could accompany me to the food store.

I meet up with my sister and her friend at this Korean restaurant. One thing I love about Taylor's, they have Korean restaurant there. I just love Korean food a lot. So after I had my favorite dish which is Kimchi soup with white rice, we went to Starbucks and hang out there. Even though there was a campus tour at 2p.m. but I skipped. To be honest, you are bound to know the places in the campus, so what's the point ? So to me, it wasn't important. 

To end this post, I can say that my first day in college was rather dull. Nothing to shout about actually. I just hope that I could make friends within this week. 

Thanks for reading everyone :D