Sunday, April 17, 2011

College Life (part 2)

dear readers,

First of all, how are you guys doing? 
Hope you guys had a really good week. Well for me, I had a good one. Anyway, I’m just going to start with the second part of my college life. So I was half and hour late for my first “college” class, all thanks to the KTM train. Seriously, the train never reach on time when they're supposed to. 

Well for my first class, I had Introduction to Information Technology (IT), College Study Skills (CSS) and Mass Communication (MC) class. The lecturers were really awesome. I like them a lot. I like them better than my school teachers, obviously. 

Then the next day I had Fundamental in Management (FM) class. Ms. Rosaline was a little strict but she is a fun lecturer actually. I just love her "sarcastic" jokes. I've never had my Creative Comm and Portfolio Development (CCP) class with Dr. Benedict yet, so you can say I'm actually anticipating his class. 

Through all the classes, I did made some friends. It's still awkward between us but I'm sure we'll be fine after few weeks more. One of the few friends I made was Nadiah. She was the first that I was "close" to. Then, Nadiah introduced me to Amy and Jay. Coincidentally, all three of them are from Klang. So I was the only one from Selayang. From that day onwards, I've been hanging out with them, from going to classes and having lunch together. 

I did made friends among my classmates but it was just a friendly "hello" and "goodbye". Nothing much. To be honest, I didn't know making friends was that difficult. It's like, I have start all over again. To me it is sickening but I have to because I have to survive in college. But after a few days goes by, everything went well. I now have friends to hang and talk to. It was a fun experience. 

The day college starts was the day I say to myself that I have to change my habits and the way I live a little. I have to be more responsible and mature than when I was in school. I sometimes have to give up watching my favorite TV series and all. Even after few weeks in college, I still can't balance between my old life and college life. Since I love to join dance competition or events, I have to give them up so that I could concentrate on my studies. I'm not saying that entering college life is bad. What I mean was that we have give up things we like to achieve and have a good future ahead. So, no worries there.

To sum up everything, I can say there is a difference between college and school life. Like for instance, in school, we concentrate and are instructed with every subjects by using a text book; while in college, we only focus in a certain subject that we major in. Besides, college life actually did trained me to be more independent. I'm really looking forward to my life in college. I hope and pray that it'll be a fun and exciting journey for me. 

Till then,
thanks for reading people! 

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