Saturday, April 30, 2011

Animal Rights (part 1)

Hello everyone :D

First and foremost, I would like you to excuse me if my post on this topic is a tiny bit, formal. Hope you enjoy!

So you could say almost everyone in the world grows up eating meat and fish right? Some of us even wear  leather, wool and silk made from animal skin too right? Have it ever occur to you how it would effect this animals? How big of an impact it will be towards this innocent animals?

I do admit, I do eat meat and fish but I don't abuse animals! I don't torture them like nobody's business! I don't kill those animals for no reason just so I could satisfy myself? I myself, is very angry and pissed at how this idiotic and cruel-hearted people could do such things! Seriously, how could they be so inhuman? And I've got prove to show how cruel and brutal they could be in this video i found in Youtube. Before I show the video, I just want to share with you readers that I used to own a hamster few years back, I actually cried so badly when they died. I just can't accept the fact to why they have to die so fast! And it's not because I took bad care of them but you know how hamster will die after 2 years right? That is just sad case!


See! HOW BRUTAL THAT WOMEN IS! She's sick! Seriously! What is wrong with her head? I feel like giving her a really big tight slap to her idiotic face! She should be sue! She should be punish! She should be in jail for killing that cute and innocent bunny! I just don't understand how people could  deliberately abuse or injure another living creature. Aren't they God's creation too? Just because they can't talk and express their feeling, it doesn't give us or those inhuman people right to "punish" them that way. They have feelings too my fellow humans! This is not just towards dogs and cats but also dedicated to ALL animals living! 

I know some of us are also going through some starvation, suffering, anguish, fear, pain, slow agonizing death, constant torment in certain parts of the world, but there are thousands of dogs and cats whose lives will never offer anything but those conditions. Aren't we civilized people? We're not living in the oldies and we don't think like the olden days! We should be more open to this kind of perspective! Animals surely deserve to  live their lives free from suffering and exploitation. 

Before I end this blog, I would like to share some post I found from a person's blog.

She quote, "Are we destined to be judged as an unworthy species? Incapable - or unwilling - to accept the responsibilities that come with the power we have achieved? What has become of our Compassion, Kindness, Humility, Gratitude, Patience?"

Compassion for all God’s creatures, for hasn’t He entrusted their care and well-being to us?

Kindness to every living animal, for they are entitled to such simply by their existence. 

Humility to remember that we are not “better” or “more important” than other animals, just different. 
Gratitude for all that we have, for all that this world offers… for being the rulers, rather than the ruled. 

Patience with all living creatures whose only crime is that they may be different from ourselves.

Till then,
Yours truly,

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